Before you turn away on me, I'm not trying to tug at heart strings and make you teary right before Christmas. Quite the opposite. I have decided to do a picture spam post just to introduce a few of our babies that did not get homes for the holidays, but I'm hoping maybe someone will see a face here they just can't live without. I know each of these animals personally and have faith they will find a loving home in the new year -- they are each so loving and unique.
Don't you just love puppies? Okay, so maybe Peanut isn't exactly a puppy, but he's as cuddly and gentle as one. He has some skin issues and has a bad flea allergy, so he's not going to be a low maintenance dog, but I can tell he's going to be more than worth it. The skin issues should clear up after a few weeks of medicated baths though, and it just means that you can never skip a month of flea prevention.
When we put Peanut up for adoption, I was kind of hoping we could list him as a small horse instead of a dog. You probably could put a saddle on him. In any case, he's such a sweet dog. He was very curious about the kitten I was holding at the time, and he put his nose right on hers. It was an explosion of cute and I'm still kicking myself that I didn't get it on camera.
Drizzle Doesn't Want to Hold Still for Pictures
If you've read my previous posts, you might recognize this face. Drizzle was on bite quarantine for rough play (though she's so gentle it's hard for me to believe that), and she's out in the cat room now enjoying her freedom. She's still lonely and desperately wants to go home with someone soon. Getting pictures of her was quite the challenge because every time hold my camera at the ready she'd move to rub up against me and vie for my attention. She's such a love, and very full of energy if you want a cat that will play like a kitten. I love this cat and she definitely has that unique spark of intelligence I see in the eyes of some. Drizzle is quite the cat and I'm hoping she goes to a home that appreciates her.
Miffy is a Lot of Cat with a Lot of Love
Lucky the Aptly Named Kitten
Lucky came in while I was working in exam, and he may be the cutest little ball of puff I've seen in a while. Poor baby was found in the street, was covered in fleas and had a bit of poop and litter stuck to his paws. It made me think he was a dumped. Quite the image of pitiful, this little guy, but so damn cute!
In any case, he was in desperate need of a bath so I stuck the little fluff ball in a sink. He wasn't too fond of it, but seemed to actually enjoy the warm water a little, especially since I was scrubbing off the fleas. I cleaned out his ears and wrapped him up in the blanket (in the third picture) before I left for the night. He will be getting neutered soon and should have no problems finding a home.
Squeakers - Big Cat with a Tiny Voice
Holly, the Scaredy Cat
I came in to a warning about "that cat in the middle cage." Well, I'm a bit stubborn, so like usual I stuck my whole face in and started talking to our newest resident. Her ears immediately perked up and she cooed at me. I took this as an invite to pet her and show her a little love, and she immediately started rubbing up against me. Vicious, I tell you! I'm sure she was just very scared when she came in and sometimes cats, especially adult cats who came from who knows what background, can be a bit ornery.
A bit later I held Holly so another tech could clean out her cage. At this point I had a revelation -- Holly does not like dogs. She's terrified of them. I don't know what happened to this cat, but a dog came in for a go-home check and she started trembling like a leaf and growling. If you have a dog-free home and want a very very soft and loving kitty, Holly is definitely a cat to keep in mind. I'm crossing my fingers for a happy ending -- she's a sweetheart and I don't want her to stay with us too long. It seems to stress her out.
Vixen the Cross-eyed Kitty
And with all of that, now you know just some of the faces I'll be bringing special treats to this Christmas. Just because other humans pass them by doesn't mean I will. I can't give them all homes, but I can keep coming back for them until their day comes.
Thank you to all who made this possible this Christmas. This post is dedicated to you, and I will have all of your names on the post Christmas day. By helping me help these animals, you have given me the best gift I could've ever asked for.
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